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Supercharge your Anki flashcards with collaboration and AI-powered tools

Study and get continuous updates from your global network of peers. Get the world’s most trusted flashcard decks that adapt to your specific study needs.

How it works

A deck creator shares a deck for everyone to use. You can now subscribe to this deck and submit suggestions. Once those suggestions are approved by the deck creator, the updates are automatically sent to all subscribers!


*A premium AnkiHub subscription as well as a First Aid Forward and/or B&B subscription is required to view the content.

View the latest images from First Aid Forward directly in Anki! AnkiHub links AnKing Step Deck cards to the most relevant pages in First Aid Forward.


Need a primer on a topic you're struggling with? You can now access resources from B&B linked directly into Anki.

We are excited to bring First Aid Foward and Boards & Beyond content directly into your Anki study sessions!

McGraw Hill partnership!

Official First Aid Forward & B&B
+ AnkiHub Integration

Why use AnkiHub?

AnkiHub allows you to create and manage your own personal decks. You can also subscribe to popular decks like: The AnKing Step Deck, AnKing MCAT Deck, Turn Up 2 Law & Ethics, AnatoKing, and hundreds more community-made decks!

Getting Started with AnkiHub

The most comprehensive MCAT deck available. Built upon the original Miledown deck, it now is tagged by multiple resources including UWorld, Kaplan, Khan Academy, & Pixorize.

Created by The AnKing

Your own deck

Integrate your precious deck with the AnkiHub system and start having other people collaborate with you! Enrich your cards and make them evergreen!

Created by you

AnKing Step Deck

The largest, most up to date flashcard deck for Step 1, 2, & 3. Over 30k flashcards organized by all your favorite resources including Sketchy, Boards & Beyond, First Aid, and more!

Created by The AnKing

Turn Up 2 Law & Ethics

Original Turn Up 2 Law and Ethics deck with improved formatting and collaboration. Subscribe to this deck and be part of this collaboration.

Created by VerifiedSmoothBrain


This is a deck for dermatology residency. The deck was based on the textbook Review of Dermatology by Alikhan and Hocker. Images from DermNet and others are included with permission.

Created by AnKingMed

Taiwan Chinese Deck

These flashcards were originally created by the Taiwan Taizhong Mission for learning Mandarin Chinese. The Taiwan Taizhong Mission is a mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Created by AnKingMed


This is an anesthesia deck which can be used from MS3 rotations through at least CA-1 year and potentially beyond.

Created by Ankisthesia

Blue Ophthalmology

The deck is designed to help you master the core concepts and facts of ophthalmology, as well as prepare you for exams such as OKAPs and boards.

Created by Blue


This deck will bring you from basic anatomy all the way through med school. This covers all structures as well as every muscle and its origin, insertion, action, innervation, & blood supply.

Created by AnatoKing


Get the best deck or create your own

Subscribe to popular decks like the AnKing Step deck or hundreds more community-made decks! You can also create and manage your own personal decks.


Find flashcards in seconds

Find flashcards that are perfectly matched to what you’re learning. Use our Smart Search feature to find the exact flashcards you need using your videos, lecture notes, PDFs, and more!


Ask questions

Dive deeper into difficult topics with our AI-powered study assistant. Ask questions, find flashcards related to your most challenging topics, and see what your peers are asking.



Submit suggestions to change, add, or remove flashcards. Deck admins approve suggestions and updates are automatically sent to all subscribers!

How it works


Subscribe to popular decks, collaborate with others, and get regular updates.


Receive updates as soon as changes are made.


Suggest new cards, changes to existing cards, and review suggestions from other users.


Create your own decks to collaborate with friends & help us improve the app.

Private Decks

Create a private deck. Only those that you invite will have access to view, download, and collaborate on the flashcards.

Optional Tags

Create or subscribe to optional tag groups in decks. Want to find tags for a popular deck by your individual school curriculum? This is the feature you never knew you needed!

Special Features

Free plan

Get started with Anki ⭐

Core plan

Sync our best decks 🌀


Premium plan

AI-power your learning 🤖


Lifetime plan

Pay once, use forever 🌈

early access rate!

Free plan

Get started with Anki ⭐


Core plan

Sync our best decks 🌀


Premium plan

AI-power your learning 🤖


Lifetime plan

Pay once, use forever 🌈



Get access to...

The Getting Started with Anki tutorial deck, your quick start guide to using Anki

Free community decks, including the Dermki Deck


Everything in Free plan, plus...

Hundreds of up-to-date decks, including the AnKing Step Deck

Build-your-own deck features

Premium & Lifetime

Everything in Free & Core plans, plus...

Match your study materials to flashcards with Smart Search

AI-assisted studying, including the AnkiHub Chatbot

Access to Boards & Beyond and First Aid Forward content within the